In this project, We will learn how to make HTTP POST request using ESP8266 NodeMCU with Arduino IDE. Here will use IFTT as Server side. If you didn't see my previous tutorial about how to make voice controll home automation using IFTT, can check from above link.
Components that I have used
1. Soil moisture sensor
3.Jumper wires
You can make Bussiness queries by using the business queries section. You can find that at the bottom of this page
- You can make queries related to place ads, product placement, and advertising
- make project queries related to DIY project section (college and school students for their projects)
NodeMCU ___________ Soil moisture sensor
VV ______________ VCC
GND _____________ GND
A0 _______________ A0
Creating an IFTTT Account
If you don’t have an IFTTT account, go the IFTTT website: and enter your email address to create an account and get started.Next you need to create a new applet. follow my steps bellow that I have given.
1. Open the left menu in the IFTT website and click the “Create” button
2. Then Click on this word. Search for webhooks service and select it.
3. Choose the “Receive a web request” trigger and give a name to the event.
In this case, I’ve typed “soil_moisture”. Then, click the “Create trigger” button.
4. Click the “that” word to proceed. Now, define what happens when the event you’ve defined is triggered. Search for the “Email” service and select it. In my case I have used Soil moisture sensor to get the data. So I used three values to determine the Soil moisture. In the first value box will show the current state of soil moisture and another two box will show threshold value of soil moisture.
5. Press the “Finish” button to create your Applet.
Before proceed with another step, make sure to verify that your applet is working proper.
1. Search for Webhooks service or open this link:
2. Click the Documentation button of Webhooks service
3. you can see a web page with the API key. keep that API key as secret. You will have that in the future steps.
4. Fill the “To trigger an Event” section. Then, click the “Test it” button.
5. The event, when it should be sucessfully triggered you will see a message with the caption of “Event has been triggered".
Click here to see the soil moisture using blynk
6. Go to your Email account. You should have a new email in your inbox from the IFTTT service with the values you’ve defined in the previous step.
Download the code from bellow image
After finish the above steps, Download the code from above image.Before upload the code You need to do some change in your code. Also you have to check that you already installed the ESP8266 board in your Arduino IDE.
Setting your network credentials
Modifiy with your correct WIFI name and password
const char* ssid = "wifi name";
const char* password = "password";
Setting your API Key
Insert your event name and API key in the following line of code. The API key where you copied from previous steps.
const char* serverName = "
Pin declaration
Here I have defined the pin and output variable
int sensorpin=A0;
int sensorvalue=0;
int outputvalue=0;
In the loop() is where you make the HTTP POST request every 10 seconds with sample data
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// Data to send with HTTP POST
String httpRequestData = "value1=" + String(outputvalue) + "&value1=" +
String(74) + "&value1=" + String(40); //these last two values will
indicate the dry and moisure threshe hold values
// Send HTTP POST request
int httpResponseCode = http.POST(httpRequestData);
if you want to check my previous tutorial with ESP8266Asynchronous webserver click here
Measure the soil moisture
following line of codes explain the sensor reading from soil.
outputvalue=map(sensorvalue,0,1023,0,100); //100,0 pottupaaru
The ESP8266 makes a new URL encoded request to publish value of Soil moisure. The first value box is representing the Current moisture level of Soil. and another two box are representing thresh hold value between dry and moisure.
String httpRequestData = "value1=" + String(outputvalue) + "&value1=" + String(74)
+ "&value1=" + String(40);
Finally select the correct COM port and select your board type then click the upload button. when upload procces finish open your Serial monitor, you will find message printing the HTTP response code 200 indicating that the request has succeeded.
Now you check your Email, you will have mail as bellow
watch the tutorial from You Tube
I'm unable to access the code via the image provided. Please help!
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